Piano Lessons and Music Education
Piano Lessons
and Music Education
Lessons for adults

It's quite common for adult piano beginners to feel intimidated when putting themselves in shoes of a student once again. Beliefs and opinions  that we all form about ourselves and our abilities often might come as an obstacle when we start learning something new. Doubt if you even should try? Well, here is my view. The pros: acquiring  new skills upgrades our nervous system and boosts cognitive abilities at ANY age!  This is why age limit to starting piano lessons is NONE!

Learning piano is a quite demanding neurological process that involves simultaneous use of the three senses  topped with active attention, focus and memory work.The skill of reading music and coordination of fingers of both hands sometimes develop at different rates in adult piano beginners which  can be a source of frustration when the mind can process more than hands are able to execute. However, those are both buildable skills, and when appoached with patience and understanding the progress is inevitable.

My method of teaching adults roots from understanding all possible difficulties that my students can encounter on their musical journey.  I am here to help you to define your goals and guide you on a way to achieve them with patience, care and wholehearted devotion to your success as a pianist and musician.

It's quite common for adult piano beginners to feel intimidated when putting themselves in shoes of a student once again. Beliefs and opinions  that we all form about ourselves and our abilities often might come as an obstacle when we start learning something new. Doubt if you even should try? Well, here is my view. The pros: acquiring  new skills upgrades our nervous system and boosts cognitive abilities at ANY age!  This is why age limit to starting piano lessons is NONE!

Learning piano is a quite demanding neurological process that involves simultaneous use of the three senses  topped with active attention, focus and memory work.The skill of reading music and coordination of fingers of both hands sometimes develop at different rates in adult piano beginners which  can be a source of frustration when the mind can process more than hands are able to execute. However, those are both buildable skills, and when appoached with patience and understanding the progress is inevitable.

My method of teaching adults roots from understanding all possible difficulties that my students can encounter on their musical journey.  I am here to help you to define your goals and guide you on a way to achieve them with patience, care and wholehearted devotion to your success as a pianist and musician.
Have any questions? Need more information?
Contact us
                Frisco, TX                        