Piano Lessons and Music Education
Piano Lessons
and Music Education
2024-2025 Studio Policy

Private piano lessons are provided on a weekly basis in 30, 45 and 60 minute slots split between piano instruction and music theory/ear training. Students are expected to practice their assigned pieces at least 30 minutes for a minimum of 5 days a week. Parents’ reminders and encouragement are absolutely vital and highly recommended in order for students to maintain a consistent home practice schedule. For students under age of  7 parents participation in home practice is required. 

Tuition Details
School year tuition is based on 34 lessons divided into 9 equal monthly payments. Fall Semester starts on August 12th, and the Spring Semester ends on May 16th. There will be a total of three weeks off  for Thanksgiving, Chrstistmas/New Year and Spring Break (please, see Studio Calendar). Students will be scheduled for 37 weeks/lessons, with 3 lessons not included in the tuition. This option eliminates the need for makeups by giving extra 3 lessons that students can take or miss without losing any paid lessons.
For lessons missed by students makeup lessons will no longer be offered.    

Each monthly payment is due on the 15th of each month. Last payment is due April 15th. A $20 late fee will be assessed on the following month's bill if payments are not received by the 20th day of the month.

*Monthly tuition rates:
    30 min……….$145/mo

    45 min………. $177/mo
    60 min………. $234/mo

Tuition can also be paid annualy or semiannually. Please contact the studio for rmore information.

  • Tuition once paid is nonrefundable.
  • Festival and theory test fees will be charged separately with notice.

Attendance, reschedule and missed lessons options

Lesson swapping is the only method to reschedule lessons. Lesson swapping will be arranged by parents and only between parents who agree to participate in this option (email the studio if you want to participate in lesson swapping). Please, notify the studio of all the swaps 24 hours in advance. Things to keep in mind for lesson swapping:
  • If  a 45 minute lesson is swapped with a 30 minute lesson, it will become a 30 minute lesson and will not be extended to 45 minutes due to the next lesson on the schedule. 
  • If two students show up for the same lesson time, the preference will be given to the student originally scheduled for that slot. 

Zoom lessons are available upon request in case of inclement weather, transportation issues, mild illness, or an inability to make it to the scheduled lesson on time. 

Asynchronous lessons option is available for lessons that are expected to be missed by students. Students will have to record them playing their homework and send the recording to the teacher prior to the missed lesson. Recordings will be viewed by the teacher during that student’s regular scheduled lesson time and given a feedback with a new assignment and/or corrections via email. Please, notify the studio if you need to miss your lesson and want to use the asynchronous lesson option. 

Lessons missed by the teacher will receive makeups during Flex Week, May 19-23th. 
Summer lessons will be flexibly scheduled over the months of June, July and August to allow students to continue progressing  forward while working around family activities. 

A 30-day notice is required to discontinue lessons during the teaching year. Payment for that month will be due whether lessons are taken or not.

Summer 2025 lesson packages

                   30 minutes          45 minutes        60 minutes
*4-pack            $160                     $192                   $248     
*8-pack            $312                     $376                   $448
*12-pack          $456                     $552                   $720

* Rates adjusted annually.

Private piano lessons are provided on a weekly basis in 30, 45 and 60 minute slots split between piano instruction and music theory/ear training. Students are expected to practice their assigned pieces at least 30 minutes for a minimum of 5 days a week. Parents’ reminders and encouragement are absolutely vital and highly recommended in order for students to maintain a consistent home practice schedule. For students under age of  7 parents participation in home practice is required. 

Tuition Details
School year tuition is based on 34 lessons divided into 9 equal monthly payments. Fall Semester starts on August 12th, and the Spring Semester ends on May 16th. There will be a total of three weeks off  for Thanksgiving, Chrstistmas/New Year and Spring Break (please, see Studio Calendar). Students will be scheduled for 37 weeks/lessons, with 3 lessons not included in the tuition. This option eliminates the need for makeups by giving extra 3 lessons that students can take or miss without losing any paid lessons.
For lessons missed by students makeup lessons will no longer be offered.    

Each monthly payment is due on the 15th of each month. Last payment is due April 15th. A $20 late fee will be assessed on the following month's bill if payments are not received by the 20th day of the month.

*Monthly tuition rates:
    30 min……….$145/mo

    45 min………. $177/mo
    60 min………. $234/mo

Tuition can also be paid annualy or semiannually. Please contact the studio for rmore information.
  • Tuition once paid is nonrefundable.
  • Festival and theory test fees will be charged separately with notice.

Attendance, reschedule and missed lessons options

Lesson swapping is the only method to reschedule lessons. Lesson swapping will be arranged by parents and only between parents who agree to participate in this option (email the studio if you want to participate in lesson swapping). Please, notify the studio of all the swaps 24 hours in advance. Things to keep in mind for lesson swapping:
  • If  a 45 minute lesson is swapped with a 30 minute lesson, it will become a 30 minute lesson and will not be extended to 45 minutes due to the next lesson on the schedule. 
  • If two students show up for the same lesson time, the preference will be given to the student originally scheduled for that slot. 

Zoom lessons are available upon request in case of inclement weather, transportation issues, mild illness, or an inability to make it to the scheduled lesson on time. 

Asynchronous lessons option is available for lessons that are expected to be missed by students. Students will have to record them playing their homework and send the recording to the teacher prior to the missed lesson. Recordings will be viewed by the teacher during that student’s regular scheduled lesson time and given a feedback with a new assignment and/or corrections via email. Please, notify the studio if you need to miss your lesson and want to use the asynchronous lesson option. 

Lessons missed by the teacher will receive makeups during Flex Week, May 19-23th. 
Summer lessons will be flexibly scheduled over the months of June, July and August to allow students to continue progressing  forward while working around family activities. 

A 30-day notice is required to discontinue lessons during the teaching year. Payment for that month will be due whether lessons are taken or not.

Summer 2025 lesson packages

                   30 minutes          45 minutes        60 minutes
*4-pack            $160                     $192                   $248     
*8-pack            $312                     $376                   $448
*12-pack          $456                     $552                   $720

* Rates adjusted annually.

Have any questions? Need more information?
Contact us
                Frisco, TX                        